Friday, May 20, 2011

Glastonbury CT Martial Arts Center

Glastonbury Martial Arts Center was established in 1974 by Dr. Dwight Scherban in Glastonbury, Connecticut. It was the first martial arts school in Glastonbruy CT.

Dr. Scherban, who has been active in the martial arts for 50 years and wanted a Kwang (school) that was taught in an "old world" setting. This meant teaching to serious students, who were not concerned with collecting belts, trophies, undeserved accolades, etc.

Instead he wanted to teach dedicated students who wanted a real system as it was taught in Asia thousands of years ago. Since Dr. Scherban never taught martial arts for a living, he was in  a position to train people as the system (Bando, Tai Do, Tai Chi) dictated.

These are still the basic precepts of Glastonbury CT Martial Arts. So if a person wants traditional training that emphasizes effective self defense, competition, meditation, spiritual/emotional balance.

Visit our school website,