The Glastonbury Martial Arts Center features Tai-Chi / Qi Gong, a soft, meditative martial art emphasizing fluid movement and flowing exercises. TAI-CHI
Dr. Dwight M. Scherban has been studying and teaching Tai-Chi for over 30 years, and the classes at Glastonbury Martial Arts have been running consecutively for over 25 years. Dr. Scherban studied the Hwa Yu style under Tai-Chi Master Mr. Chen Li and was certified by Mr. Li to teach this style since the late 70s. Dr. Scherban combines the soft, flowing style of the Hwa Yu with the meditative and healing arts of Qi Gong to provide a balanced spiritual and physical experience for his Tai-Chi students. TAI-CHI
A typical Tai-Chi class commences with some basic and rhythmic stretching and loosening up exercises. Smooth, meditative oriental music is softly played, which enhances the mood and allows for the connection of the spirit and body .Basic Meditation and breathing sets the tone for the gentle flowing exercises and focuses the chi, or vital force to establish the natural state. From this point, the Tai-Chi student begins to feel the power of the moving meditation as all aspects of the senses are being developed and harmonized within the body. Special Tai-Chi movements are practiced, which develop into a beautiful, harmonious blend of mind and body, an experience both fulfilling and relaxing, both inspiring, and uplifting. The five word song is practiced, focusing on relaxation and breathing. The principles of Yin and Yang are explored and developed. Newcomers join in and learn the basic movements such as walking, rowing the boat, and pushing hands, much as the experienced practitioners do; Tai-Chi is learned at your own pace, within your own rhythms, developing as your body and mind allows. It is fun, rewarding, and spiritually invigorating. Such is the experience of Tai-Chi at Glastonbury Martial Arts. TAI-CHI
Visit our school website, http://www.ctmartialarts.kk5.org/